Benlobo (Benwolf)

Benlobo es un Loboan del planeta Luna Lobo y es una especie de "hombre lobo" alienígena que puede abrir su boca en cuatro "aletas". En armonía con su aspecto de Hombre Lobo, Benlobo tiene una fuerza, velocidad y agilidad realzada, así como garras de gran alcance. También tiene los sentidos más agudos que el de los seres humanos. Finalmente, tiene un ataque de largo alcance en la forma de un aullido ultrasónico (capaz de romper una roca), que puede utilizar abriendo sus "aletas" de la boca.
Benwolf (voiced by Tara Strong) is a Loboan (as in Lobo, Spanish for wolf) from the Anur Transyl moon, Luna Lobo (literally translating from Spanish as "Wolf Moon"). Ben obtains this form after an alien of the same species scratched the Omnitrix, causing its DNA to be added into Ben's selection of aliens. According to the shows 'popup edition', the result of Ben's battle leaves the Omnitrix half way between "Collection Mode" and "Active Mode", causing him to transform over the course of several hours instead of instantly as he normally does.Benwolf more or less resembles a werewolf, with the exception of a quadri-hinged mandibled mouth. In keeping with this, Benwolf has enhanced strength, speed, agility, and senses. By opening his mouth, Benwolf can emit an ultrasonic howl capable of shattering rock. The only weakness of the form is that it appears to be colorblind.