Al final de "Un pequeño problema", Enoc da órdenes a subordinados para averiguar acerca de Ben, Gwen, y Max.
En el episodio "La mejor arma", Enoc intenta recuperar la Espada de Ekchuah (una espada de increíble poder), sólo para desmoronarse al polvo cuando finalmente se encuentre en un templo. Él permanece en el templo, ya que se derrumba, tratando de recoger el polvo del arma.
Al final de "Los anormales", Enoch reaparece como parte de un esfuerzo para reemplazar al Presidente con un robot duplicado utilizando un equipo de robots jugadores de béisbol apropiadamente llamado "Squires". Su argumento fue frustrado por los Tennysons, aunque siguen sin saber que él era parte de ella.
Enoch has a significant influence in the organization, appearing as their leader in his first three appearances. At the end of "One small problem," Enoch gives orders to subordinates to find out about Ben, Gwen, and Max. In the episode "The best weapon," Enoch tries to retrieve the Ekchuah Sword (a sword of incredible power), only to crumble to dust when he finally found in a temple. He remains in the temple as it collapses, trying to pick up the gun powder. At the end of "the abnormal," Enoch reappears as part of an effort to replace the president with a robot duplicate using a robot team baseball players appropriately called "Squires". His argument was thwarted by Tennysons, but remain unaware that he was part of it.