Driscoll apareció por primera vez en "Perfect Day", donde se encuentra Enoch derrotado por Ben. A continuación, deja después de Enoch sus múltiples fracasos y decide cuidar de Ben sí mismo. Aparece de nuevo en "Ben 10 vs Los 10 negativos" donde ronda hasta una colección de Ben de antiguos enemigos para formar un equipo especializado, en un esfuerzo por robar la Sub-Energía, una poderosa fuente de energía dado a los fontaneros después de capturar un alien convicto. Él finalmente consigue robar y aumenta su traje armadura con él. La fuente de energía es comido por Upchuck. Su traje es destruido, pero sobrevive Driscoll y se escapa. En un desconocido punto y hora, Driscoll fue sustituido, y Erick fue elegido Rey.
Always King is the leader of the Knights. He appears in the fourth season. This was originally known as Knight Driscoll, a former plumber. However, he was expelled from a plumber in disgrace when he tried to steal an object alien technology for their own benefit. He later joined the Knights and worked his way up the ranks, eventually became its leader. Driscoll first appeared in "Perfect Day", where Enoch is defeated by Ben. Then Enoch left after his many failures and Ben takes care of itself. Appears again in "Ben 10 vs. The 10 negative" where round up a collection of old Ben's enemies to form a specialized team, in an effort to steal the Sub-Energy, a powerful source of energy given to the plumbers after capture an alien convicted. He finally managed to steal and increases their armor suit him. The energy source is eaten by Upchuck. His suit is destroyed, but survives and escapes Driscoll. At an unknown point and time, Driscoll was replaced, and Erick was elected King.