Puede absorber ataques a base de energía, como lásers.
Recanaliza esta energía en rayos explosivos.
Puede usar también parte de su energía para lanzar rayos de los picos de su espalda, no solo de sus manos, los que es bueno para enfrentarse a enemigos que pudiesen atacar por detrás.
Es casi indestructible.
Es bastante fuerte.
Si usa bastante de su energía, quedara muy sofocado.
No es muy veloz.
Called "Piedra" in Latin America, was used for the first time in All That Glitters, against a zombie girl. It is a Crystalsapien (Pun between Crystal and "Sapiens", the Latin intelligent) Morotesi the planet. This silicon crystals formed living.
· Skills It can absorb energy-based attacks, such as lasers. Recanalized this ray energy explosives. You can also use some of its energy to launch ray peak of his back, not just their hands, it's good to face enemies that could attack from behind. It is almost indestructible. It is quite strong.
· Weaknesses If you use enough of your energy, it is very muffled. It is very fast.