Viaja a velocidades varias veces superiores a la del sonido a través del agua y el aire.
Lanza rayos de sus ojos y cola que produce Neuroshocks al oponente .
Los vuernos de su cabeza poseen un potente veneno y son filosos.
La estructura de su cuerpo solo le permite viajar a gran velocidad en aire y agua, por lo que resulta ser bastante torpe en tierra.
It is the fourth alien used by Ben in Ben 10: Alien Force, Chapter 3, Everybody Talks About the Weather, against Alan Albright, Pyronite boy, thinking he was an enemy, has some amazing powers of flight and swimming because her body Hydro-aerodynamics give this power. It is a Aerophibian (Pun between "Aero" against Air and amphibians, regarding their ability to survive in water and air), the planet Aeropela (Regarding Air). · Skills Traveling at speeds several times higher than that of sound through water and air. Lanza rays from his eyes and tail that produces Neuroshocks the opponent. The head of vuernos have a potent venom and are sharp. · Weaknesses The structure of your body only allows you to travel at high speed in air and water, so it turns out to be rather clumsy on land.